Online Zoom Prayer Meetings
Zoom prayer meeting usually, but not always, every 2nd Monday evening at 7:00 pm. Please check the link below to confirm the exact date! We pray for our Ministry, our Nation, the Church as the Holy Spirit leads. For more information and a zoom link contact Brian Parris Prayer ministry Leader at: Tel: (902) 476-1489. Everyone welcome. Further information available on Men’s Zoom calls schedule.
Next Men’s Fellowship Breakfast
Sat. Mar. 1, 2025 at the Hampton Inn, Truro ( Millbrook)
A morning of gathering for fellowship with each other and the Holy Spirit. Prayer, Worship, Testimony, Buffet Breakfast $10.00. A free will offering box is available to give you an opportunity to sow into the ongoing Living Stones Men’s Ministry and to help with our expenses. If you would rather do an E-Transfer please use the following address.
We are pleased to welcome back Ken Sullivan to our Men’s Breakfast on Saturday March 1st Some will remember when Ken led us in worship at one of our meetings not long ago. This time however Ken is going to lead us once again in Praise & Worship and also share his testimony. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us for, fellowship, good food along with worshiping our Lord as well as opportunities for prayer.
Please confirm that you will be attending our Men’s Breakfast by no later than Feb. 27,2025 and arrange to come 15 minutes early so that we can start on time. All men are welcome !

Future Men’s Fellowship Breakfast dates
Note: 1. Because of the September Men’s Retreat there will be no Men’s Fellowship Breakfast that month. 2. Due to booking conflicts at the Hampton Inn, the Men’s Fellowship Breakfast dates in October, November and December will not fall on the fist Saturdays of the month.
Fellowship Breakfast Dates |
Start – 8:30AM |
Finish – 11:30AM |
January 4th | February 1st | March 1st |
April 5th | May 3rd | June 7th |
July 5th | August 9th | Sept. 12-14th – Retreat |
October 11th | November 22nd | December 20th |
Sept. 2025 Retreat Update
I am pleased to tell you Gordon Grieve will be the speaker at our annual men’s retreat and is excited to join us. Further details will follow in late June. Our location will be at Camp Geddie.
Living Stones Men’s Ministry Presents…
A Gospel Worship Event
When: Sunday Feb. 16, 2025 -1:30PM to 4:30PM
Where: Hampton Inn, (Millbrook) Truro, NS
Featuring: Steve McCabe, singer and songwriter, accompanied by Ron McCabe on Guitar
Living Stones Men’s Ministry is pleased to give you an opportunity to come hear a special afternoon of unique Gospel Worship music with Steve McCabe.
I have personally known Steve for several years and have witnessed firsthand the incredible anointing on these songs given to him from inspiration through the spirit being drawn from the Holy Scriptures.
Steve introduces the story behind the song and the anointing of the spirit is evident as he sings. He will have the lyrics on the overhead projection so you can feel free to join in.
Steve’s brother Ron McCabe, an accomplished guitarist will be providing backup.
About the Artist
Steve McCabe, a native of Colchester County Nova Scotia has journeyed into gospel music leading him on a road of satisfaction.
He embraces gospel music at its fullness through the expression of his lyrics, reminding us of the promise made through the gospel of Christ.
His songs lead us into: Hearing the News and enduring the trials of life, having a love like no other, the cry from the cross and our blessed hope.
Steve is married to Shannon and lives in Belmont, N.S.
How to Register
Attendance confirmation is required to secure your seat by no later than Sunday Feb. 9th. Please reply to or by text to (902) 956-0542
Pre-register yourself and or your group providing names and numbers in your group. Seating will be limited.
Doors will be open at 1:30 for a meet and greet with music commencing at 2.00 pm.
There will be no charge for this event however a free offering will be made available to all those who would like to participate.
Alternative storm date March 16th.

Men’s Fellowship Breakfasts
Men’s Breakfast fellowship gatherings are held monthly. Come and enjoy time with the men you know or the ones that you haven’t met yet. We have a wonderful time of prayer, good food, Praise and Worship along with a speaker to round out the morning. Also plenty of opportunity for individual prayer needs at the end of our meeting.
Past Men’s Fellowship Breakfasts
See all Men’s Fellowship Breakfast pictures above
Praise and Worship Jan. 2024 Fellowship Breakfast
Living Stones Men’s Ministry Events
Men’s Retreats
Our retreats offer a time of refreshment and fellowship for all men who want to grow in their relationships with each other and the Lord. Weekends include prayer, praise and worship, testimonies, and teaching. Accommodations and meals are included in the package in a calming setting in the country near the shore. Pre-registration will be required.
Mark your calendar for next year’s retreat: Sept. 12th,13th,14th 2025.