Next Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

Sat. Jan. 4, 2025 at the Hampton Inn, Truro ( Millbrook)

Please confirm your attendance by no later than Jan. 2nd , 2025 so that the Hampton Inn can prepare enough food for our buffet as well is seating for our Meeting room.

Jason Taylor

We are pleased to have Jason Taylor both sharing and leading us in Praise and Worship. Most of you know that Jason is the Worship Leader at Light House Ministries in Shubenacadie. Jason and his family have suffered with many challenges in his life but have remained faithful to God’s call on his life. Jason has a servant’s heart and does his very best to accommodate others.

Plan on coming to our breakfast to hear what Jason is going to share with us.


Online Zoom Prayer Meetings

Zoom prayer meeting usually, but not always, every 2nd Monday evening at 7:00 pm. Please check the link below to confirm the exact date! We pray for our Ministry, our Nation, the Church as the Holy Spirit leads. For more information and a zoom link contact Brian Parris Prayer ministry Leader at: Tel: (902) 476-1489. Everyone welcome. Further information available on Men’s Zoom calls schedule. 

Men’s Fellowship Breakfasts

Men’s  Breakfast fellowship gatherings are held monthly. Come and enjoy time with the men you know or the ones that you haven’t met yet.  We have a wonderful time of prayer, good food, Praise and Worship along with a speaker to round out the morning. Also plenty of opportunity for individual prayer needs at the end of our meeting.  

2023 Fellowship Breakfast attendees

Future Men’s Fellowship Breakfast dates

Looking ahead to 2025: The next Men’s Fellowship Breakfast will be Sat. Jan. 4th, 2025, 8:30 am at the Hampton Inn, Truro ( Millbrook). Dates for all of the other breakfasts during 2025 are: February 1st, March 1st, April 5th, May 3rd, June 7th, July 5th, no breakfast in August, September 6th, no breakfast in October due to the men’s retreat, November 1st, December 6th.

Past Men’s Fellowship Breakfasts

See all Men’s Fellowship Breakfast pictures above

Praise and Worship Jan. 2024 Fellowship Breakfast

Upcoming Events
Living Stones Men’s Ministry Events
Men’s Retreats

Our retreats offer a time of refreshment and fellowship for all men who want to grow in their relationships with each other and the Lord. Weekends include prayer, praise and worship, testimonies, and teaching. Accommodations and meals are included in the package in a calming setting in the country near the shore. Pre-registration will be required.

Mark your calendar for next year’s retreat: Sept. 12th,13th,14th 2025.

Other Ministry Events

This section will be used to update you on other gatherings of interest as they occur.