Sept. 30th and October 1st 2022 our 3rd Men’s retreat weekend. Our Theme was RELEASE. 38 Men registered for what ended up being a weekend that only God could have orchestrated. We had planned to go back to Camp Geddie but a major Hurricane hit Nova Scotia, coming ashore, toppling trees, taking down power lines and damaging property. The area where we were to have our retreat was the hardest hit and power was unlikely to be restored by retreat time. The Lord led us to a new location called Camp Mockingee near Windsor, NS. This camp is run by the Rotary Club of Canada. They just happened to have a cancellation on the weekend of our retreat and they had their power restored. It was a perfect facility for us and what made it so special was it was next door to where our Guest Speaker, Pastor Edwin Wile had grown up. He was able to make the trip from Graven Hurst, Ontario to share and minister to the men throughout the weekend.
This was the first men’s retreat weekend that was videoed creating lasting memories for us who attended.
A big thank you to the ladies from The Oasis Church in Windsor who looked after all of our meals. We gave them the money and they went shopping for groceries, did the cooking and serving throughout the weekend. The meals were delicious. This indeed was a retreat to remember.
This presence of the Lord throughout the weekend was undeniable and all of us will look back in the coming days knowing that this weekend is a bench mark for all of in our walk with the Lord.

Pastor Edwin Wile
The main speaker was Pastor Edwin Wile.
Edwin Wile was born in 1943 in Windsor, NS and grew up in the little village of Vaughan. His parents were woodlot owners, a very hard-working family. He was the eleventh child in a family of twelve – eight boys and four girls-who all got along great. Edwin’s parents were Christians and at twelve years old, he gave his heart to the Lord. He left home at sixteen to seek his fame and fortune in Ontario. He is blessed with a wife and two wonderful daughters. In 1979, Edwin was supernaturally born again and left the secular world for the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ, planting churches, preaching the Gospel, and writing a book called “Its all about Jesus”. As you read this book the Holy Spirit will fill you in on the rest.
Praise and Worship Leaders
Gerry Bezanson
Bill Bennett
John Zinck
Retreat Videos
Friday Evening Session.
Saturday Session Speaker – Pastor Edwin Wile.